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How to make the perfect paprikash with premium Gregorski peppers: the recipe to master this classic Hungarian dish with a hint of Bezdan.


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Gregorski Paprika: where tradition meets taste. Enhance your dishes with our top flavours.

How to make the perfect paprikash with premium Gregorski peppers: the recipe to master this classic Hungarian dish with a hint of Bezdan:


2 tablespoons butter

1 tbsp olive oil

500 g chicken breasts

2 red onions

2 cloves of garlic

2-3 tablespoons sweet premium Gregorski paprika

0,5 tsp of Gregorski premium hot paprika can be added if desired

4 sun-dried tomatoes

1 red pepper

500 ml chicken stock (or 500 ml water and 1 chicken cube)

1 tablespoon flour

0,5 dl cooking cream



For the vegan version - do not use butter and instead of chicken breast add marinated and fried tofu, and use vegan cooking cream.


Remove the stem and clean the seeds from the red peppers and cut them into small pieces.

Peel the onions and garlic cloves and finely chop them.

Finely chop the 4 sundried tomatoes.

For the meat version, cut 500 g chicken breasts into even pieces, salt and pepper them.

Pour 1 tablespoon of oil into a large frying pan and add 1-2 tablespoons of butter, heat over a medium heat until the fat is well heated through, and fry the chicken meat in it.

Fry for about a minute on each side - it is important that the surface of the meat is nicely coloured as this adds to the flavour.

Put the meat on a plate and add the onion, garlic and chopped sundried tomatoes to the pan and reduce the heat.

Sauté for about 15 minutes to soften the meat and to soften the onions. Make sure that it does not start to brown around the edges.

Then add 2-3 tablespoons - sweet paprika, if you like, you can also add 0,5 teaspoon of hot paprika. Stir everything together, then shake the browned chicken pieces into the pan.

Pour 500 ml of chicken stock over the whole, then stir finely and cover with a lid.

Cook the paprikash over a medium heat for about 45 minutes. After 20 minutes, stir in the red pepper pieces.

Mix 1 tablespoon of flour with a few tablespoons of water in a cup and stir the mixture into the paprika, thus stopping the creaminess of the sauce. Add 0,5 dl of cooking cream and cook until thickened.

When the paprikash is cooked, serve it with any side dish. This can be mashed potatoes, pasta, rice,... Paprikash really is one of the most rewarding dishes.

Dober tek.



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